Welcome to my blog

I am an exclusive photographer with istockphoto and produce a wide variety of images. Recently I have been experimenting with high magnification photography of insects, plants and anything else I find that looks interesting up close.

I am a first year undergraduate studying Biology at the University of Oxford. I have a particular interset in entomology and enjoy exploring the huge diversity of insect species in the UK.

I aim to use this blog to share some of the photos I have been taking which I find particularly interesting, I try to do a little bit of research on the subjects of my photos but am far from an expert. if I have made any big errors or misidentified something, please leave a comment or send me an email to correct me .

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Saturday, 25 September 2010


The Dolichopodidae are a large family of flies with over 7000 species described wordwide. They are commonly known as Longlegged flies, unsurprisingly due to their very long legs!

This image is a stack of nearly 200 separate shots, taken with a Nikon Nikon N plan 10/0.30 objective.


The image seen below is a crop of the image above, it clearly shows the hexagonal ommatidia. Insect eyes function quite differently from our own and they produce an image which lacks detail. The main function of the insect eye is not to produce an image, but to detect movement. Ommatidia are well adapted to this function, they only detect light that passes through a very narrow angle. This means that any movement of an object in front of the eyes is easily detected through a change in the pattern of light detection in the many ommatidia across the eye surface.
What looks a little like a pupil in each ommatidium is just a reflection of the microscope objective.


1 comment:

  1. Fantastic picture with stunning details. And a good explanation of the function of the eye as well.
    Your blog is well worth a visit!


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