Welcome to my blog

I am an exclusive photographer with istockphoto and produce a wide variety of images. Recently I have been experimenting with high magnification photography of insects, plants and anything else I find that looks interesting up close.

I am a first year undergraduate studying Biology at the University of Oxford. I have a particular interset in entomology and enjoy exploring the huge diversity of insect species in the UK.

I aim to use this blog to share some of the photos I have been taking which I find particularly interesting, I try to do a little bit of research on the subjects of my photos but am far from an expert. if I have made any big errors or misidentified something, please leave a comment or send me an email to correct me .

My Istock portfolio: View My Portfolio
My Getty portfolio

Thursday, 11 June 2009

New macro lens

To celebrate my last AS exam I bought myself a Tamron 90mm f/2.8 macro lens. I am really liking it, its a lot easier to use than a reversed 50mm lens which I used previously to get mcaro shots.

I have only had the lens for a few days, here are some of the photos I have taken with it:




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